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From the Chamber

It is such a busy time as we go full steam ahead into Christmas. Our downtown community arranged another successful Family Fun Day last Sunday at the Merrick County Courthouse and Elementary School. A big THANK YOU to everyone who had a hand it making it a fun day for families—businesses and organizations that provided fun activities including rides in barrels, tractors, wagons and buckets, food and craft vendors, live nativity and talent participants, Santa and other fun photos, the Merrick County Historical Museum who hosted their annual Christmas Tea and finally the annual lighting of the Christmas tree. Did you know that Wild Roots planted this tree on the courthouse lawn so we can light it annually with future holidayevents? Itisamazing what happens when we all band together to plan something that represents AND benefits our entire community. Thanks to all for bringing such fun to Central City!
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Central City Public Schools

December is here already and we are almost through our first semester of school! This is a busy time for families with the beginning of winter activities as well as the holidays. This time is always a challenge for our little ones as it is very exciting for them but also difficult to navigate a different schedule. It’s important to stick to bedtimes and routines especially during this time of year. Children get overtired with the additional excitement and really need their rest more than ever. This time of year is a great time to look at purchasing toys that have lots of hands on opportunities for children. Technology has many wonderful benefits for children, but at the same time it is VERY important to have a balance with this for kids. Kids need to get outside and play, they need to play board games, puzzles, Legos, sports, and do crafts. These hands-on opportunities are what shapes the way students’brains and processing develops. Too much screen time, can affect this development in children. As with everything, a good balance is important. Lastly, take time to be together as a family. Turn off the phones and other technology and do an activity as a family. These connections are so important for your little ones and all of us to recharge and refocus during the holiday breaks. The elementary also has some fun projects planned for our students as the end of the semester approaches. We will have our annual Movie and PJ day as well as our sing-a-long coming up this month. At this time, I’d like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I’m so thankful that we all live in a community that we can work together to provide the best education possible for our children!
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Legislative Update

Loren Lippincott, District 34 Senator Nebraska and the Middle East For the past nearly two months worldwide attention has been focused on the tiny nation of Israel, but why should we in Nebraska be concerned with what is going on 6,500 miles away in the Middle East. On October 7 Hamas—a Sunni Islamic political and military terror organization launched a surprise attack on southern Israel.
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Legislative Update

As lawlessness becomes more common within our country people try and look for places to place blame for our rising crime rate. Often the term “mental health” gets tacked onto wrongdoers as though it is something caught, like the common cold, and of no wrongdoing on the part of the person.
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Central City Public Schools

I would like to take this opportunity to provide information about our 1:1 Chromebook program here at CCPS. This is our 7th year using Chromebooks as the main device for the 1:1 program in grades 5-12. Students in grades 5-6 keep their devices at the school, however, students in grades 7-12 are able to take the devices home with them. We also are using iPads for our students in grades K-4.

From the Chamber

This past weekend our area businesses were open as part of Small Business Saturday helping folks get a head start on Christmas shopping. I hope you were able to shop locally to support our local business community. Saturday also kicked off the chamber’s Bison Bucks promotion which will continue until Christmas. Over $5000 in Bison Bucks were sold, all to be spent in our local businesses. I love to hear the stories of why you buy them and how you plan to use them. One business that purchased BB told me their employees were wanting to shop local so are glad they are being gifted with Bison Bucks. Others told me they use them for their medicine and to buy gas. Whatever the reason I am grateful that Bison Buck encourages local spending which supports and strengthens our local economy.