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Legislative Update

Remember your leaders on President’s Day February 19 is the day we take to remember and honor the great men who have led our country with dignity, courage, bravery and depth of spiritual awareness. We are not the nation we are today out of our own will or spirit. We are the nation we are because of the people who have gone before us and their leaders who feared a holy God. Like the great kings of the Bible, none were sinless but the best were the ones who led lives of confession, chose to walk with their Creator and sought His wisdom and guidance in all situations.
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Thank you for reading

What is happening in this world that we live in? I know very well that the first amendment of the United States Constitution doesn’t protect you from the consequences of your words, but I often find myself in awe of how far we are willing to go in penalizing those who speak their opinion.
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From the Chamber

Our annual Gala is behind us and it seems we barely have had time to celebrate all we accomplished in 2023 before we must begin to look forward to a new year, new faces and new reasons to celebrate. Sadly we must say goodbye to those friends that are leaving us. We appreciate the commitment made by our outgoing board members over the last 3 years whose leadership and dedication has helped get us to where we are today. Thank you Dustin Meyer, Amy Kucera, Nathan Carlson and Patrick Avila-we will miss you!

Central City Public Schools

In November, Central City High School hosted a Spanish- language concert by Puerto Rican music artist Edgar René, who is part of the educational concert company Justo Lamas Group. Edgar performed for an audience of nearly 350 Spanish students and teachers from 13 area schools. In addition to singing a variety of Spanish pop songs, Edgar spoke to students about his tour message “Levántate” (Stand Up), encouraging students to have confidence in themselves and not be afraid to do new and difficult things. Students had a fantastic time singing along with the music, dancing, and participating in on-stage activities such as a Spanish tongue-twister contest and playing traditional Puerto Rican instruments in a “Boricua Band”. The Spanish IV class choreographed a dance to perform while Edgar sang, and freshman Fyn Fasbender had the opportunity to sing with Edgar, performing the song “Valientes” (“Brave”). This was the 10th Spanish concert that Central City High School has hosted and we are hoping to host one again next year.
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Legislative Update

It is an indisputable fact that America has an addiction to drugs! Thirty two percent of American adults have received a prescription for opioids in the past two years and 18 percent received a prescription for opioids in the past year. That’s according to a health survey from the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago.